Language Support
Web2Cal supports multiple languages. It is very simple to support a new language.
Once you have downloaded the package, you will see the following object in
Web2CalLanguage_FR={ CLOSE: "Close", DAYS:[ "Dimanche", "Lundi","Mardi","Mecredi", "Jeudi" , "Vendredi","Samedi"], DAYS_SHORT: [ "Dim","Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"], DAYS_SHORT2: [ "Di","Lu", "Ma", "Me", "Je", "Ve", "Sa"], MONTHS_SHORT: ["Jan", "Fev","Mar", "Avr","Mai" ,"Jui", "Juil","Aou", "Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"], MONTHS: ["Janvier", "Fevrier","Mars", "Avril","Mai" ,"Juin", "Juillet","Aout", "Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Decembre"], LABEL_MONTH: "Mois", LABEL_WEEK: "Semaine" ... .. }
To support a new language, create a copy of the above object. Change the object-values to represent the values in desired language.
Update the Web2Cal.LANG variable to refer the newly created object.