License FAQ
Where can I read license agreement for web2cal?
You can view it License Agreement. License agreement can also be found in your downloaded package.
What's the meaning of a sub-domain?
A subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain. Subdomains are separated by dots "." and are read from left to right, in descending specificity. e.g. the following domains are all qualified as sub-domains of [] : [], [], [].
If Web2Cal provides support for only production domain, how do we test it during our development?
Web2Cal will work on localhost and Web2Cal will NOT work on domains other than what it is licensed for. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request for a license key for intranet sites.
Does Web2Cal send my server's information ?
Legally purchased commercial products do not disclose customer's privacy in any way. There is no 'spy-ware' kind of functions embedded into the code. Commercial products being illegally used may display warning messages and send reports to our server. Free softwares send reports to our server from time to time, to ensure proper usage per our license terms. We'll investigate all cases of pirated software usage.
What domain names are valid under the Single Domain License?
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or hostname you registered for your single web host is valid per Single License, plus the name "localhost" and the counterpart prefixed with "www.". You're entitled to register 1 name per license.
For example, if you purchased a Single License and registered it with [], you should then be able to access the product enabled page via [], [http://localhost/...] or []. But it won't work under [].
Free | Premium | Ultimate | Multi-Platform | ||
Use In one Single Domain and no sub domains. | ![]() |
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Use in Multiple Sub Domains., ... | ![]() |
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What domain names are valid under the Domain Wide License?
The domain name you registered and all of its sub-domains, plus all non-dotted local hostnames, are valid per Domain License. You're entitled to register 1 name per license.
Example: if you purchased a Domain License and registered it with [], you could use it on web host whose name is either [] or any one that ends with "", like [], [] and []
What if the calendar does not fit my programming model or application, will I get a refund?
Before you make the purchase, download the free version of the calendar. Try it out in your application. The basic and premium versions are identical in terms of how you integrate. Please check our Refund Policy here.
How many licenses do I need?
It depends. If you go for the Enterprise License, you can install the product in 2 different web sites. Once you purchase, you can generate 2 different license keys using our website.
Contact us and we will answer your questions.
If you go for the Domain License, you need 1 per each top-level domain. You don't need to purchase extra license for sub-domains of the same top-level domain, as they are included with the top-level's license. Finally, if you go for the Single License, you'll need to buy 1 license per each registered name.
How can I upgrade the type of my single domain or domain wide license(s)?
If you had a lower-level license and would like to upgrade it to higher-level one, you could simply trade-in your old license via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a discount coupon of the same value you paid for your old license which you could use to purchase a higher-level license or we will credit your account.
Once you received the new license, the original license you traded in would become invalid and you should stop using it right away.
Am I eligible for free upgrades?
Yes. You are eligible for free upgrades. You will need to contact us and provide us with the transaction ID / Invoice Number, we will provide you with a link that will enable you to download the updated files.
Do I need to mention the port and the protocol [http:// or https://]?
No, you don't. What you need to register is just the name of the domain - the license doesn't restrict protocol name or port number.
Can I use web2cal on a different site from what I registered during purchase?
We strongly discourage you from doing so. If for a reason you have to change your domain name, you must remove all web2cal specific files from your old domain before moving the files to new domain. Additionally you must inform us about the change [From the contact us seciton, provide us Transaction ID and New Domain] and we will send you the updated license key. Web2cal performs random domain name checking against the license key provided. The behaviour will be unpredictable.
How do I generate license keys?
After your purchase, you will get instructions to generate your own license keys.
What if I need more licenses?
We do offer flexible licensing options. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for bulk licensing.
Does license checking rely on any external servers?
No, the license checking is implemented locally and doesn't make any connections outside your website.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.