Hello Everyone,
My name is alam. I am one of the developers in web2cal. I have put together a simple integration of web2cal with java backend. It uses hibernate to persist and dwr for ajax. Requirements: 1. JBOSS 2. ANY DB, MYSQL, HSQLDB, ORACLE or SQLSERVER It is a bare-bones application, does nothing much than persist simple events. I have not tested it completely. Use this at your own risk. Below are installation instructions and disclaimer. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use this at your own risk. Installation Instructions 1. Extract the contents into your jboss deploy directory. 2. Edit src/hibernate.cfg.xml Enter your database information. See www.hibernate.org/ for more information. 3. DWR is used for ajax see directwebremoting.org/dwr/index.html for more information. 4. You have the option of using HSQLDB. change hibernate.cfg.xml to use HSQLDB. see hsqldb.org/ for more information. 5. enter the url http://[systemname]:[port]/web2caldemo/ If you have any questions, reply to this message. I will be able to help you. Feel free to use it or modify it. If you enhance this demo, please share it here to help others Click Here to download |
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