after few months my version of web2cal is working well, but my customer now to show the appointment prior to the actual date. So I need to change this part of code: /Get Events for the calendar...
$date_actu= date(\"Y-m-d-G:i:s\", strtotime(\"-1 week\"));
$resEvents = $db->get_results(\"select * from jos_projectlog_projects where calendar_id=\".$calendarId.\" and start_time > \'\".$date_actu.\"\' ORDER BY `jos_projectlog_projects`.`start_time` ASC\" ); How to get variable of time range? Something like Web2Cal.defaultSettings[\'timeZoneOffset\']? |
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closer from the solution:
function loadCalendarEvents(startTime, endTime) in calendar.php Now i just need to import the values of startTime and endTime in the SQL request. |
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